Dr. Anna Pavlina ranked on the Amazon best-seller lists with the new book, Success Strategies, Coauthored with Jack Canfield.

Nicosia, Cyprus – February 7, 2020: Dr. Anna Pavlina, Founder of “Springs of Creation” joined Jack Canfield, along with a select group of professionals around the world to co-write the book, Success Strategies: The World’s Leading Entrepreneurs and Professionals Reveal Their Secrets To Living a Happier, Healthier and Wealthier Life. The book was published by CelebrityPress®, a leading business book publisher that publishes books from ThoughtLeaders® around the world and was released on January 23rd, 2020.

Dr. Anna Pavlina Charalambous will team up with other leading entrepreneurs and professionals, including Best-Selling Author® Jack Canfield, to release the new book, Success Strategies, which brings together successful entrepreneurs to offer advice as a catalyst to success.

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